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Sign up to join our global community of half a million #humansofrixo

• Exclusive access to new collections

• Get 10% off your first order*
• Receive a Birthday treat
• Enjoy 50% off our private Archive
• Hear about sample sales and community events

Terms and Conditions

10% discount is only applicable to first purchases for customers who are email subscribers.

10% discount excludes Bridal, True Vintage, Archive and Sale collections.

"My shopping experience with Harper felt groundbreaking... It was so nice to able to try clothes in the comfort of my own home."

Try before you buy

Live in the UK? Try on up to four pieces in the comfort of your home and only pay for what you keep.*

Concierge service also available for customers in Greater London.

No upfront payment for pieces, credit-free.

5 day try on period once pieces arrive.

Send off any returns within this period for free.

Charged after 5 days for pieces kept.

How it Works

"My shopping experience with Harper felt groundbreaking... It was so nice to able to try clothes in the comfort of my own home."

Credit-free, no hidden fees.

*Excludes Northern Ireland.

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Subject to approval. Checking for eligibility is immediate and won't effect your credit score.

Find your perfect piece

Try before you buy

Try on a selection of pieces at home.

Only pay for what you keep.

How it Works

Credit-free, no hidden fees. UK only, excluding Northern Ireland.

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